Welcome To Temple Beth El!

Adult Education

Rabbi Bitran

Weekly Parsha Class | Every Monday at 10:00am 

This weekly class gives a deeper look into the Parsha, insights will include traditional and modern commentators. Contemporary lessons will help actualize the Torah and make it relevant in one’s daily life.

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Weekly Haftorah Class | Every Wednesday at 10:00am 

When Antiochus IV Epiphanes (c. 215–164 B.C.E.; Greek Hellenistic king) forbade the public reading of the Torah to prevent Israel’s spiritual revival. Instead, Israel resorted to reading the Prophets, replacing the Torah readings. Join us on Zoom to study and explore each Haftarah of the year.

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Stephen Papkin

The Second Temple Period: History of Hanukkah | Thursday, December 12 at 6:30pm

Do you like learning about Jewish history? Come and learn about the history of Hanukkah and the Hasmonean Dynasty within the Second Temple Period. This is an in-person class. 

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