Welcome To Temple Beth El!


Discover meaningful opportunities and make a difference in our community through volunteering! Explore current volunteer opportunities and sign up for Volunteer Central to be contacted about upcoming events. 

To right: The winners of the 2021 Volunteer of the Year Award (Lara Bitran, Gabrielle Brugg, and Jenn Schwab West)

TBE Volunteer Central

Your congregation – and your community – depends on volunteers just like you.

Whether they volunteer for an hour a week, one day a month or even just once a year, members who raise their hand to help are what keeps our congregation vibrant and engaged.

Volunteer Central is the best way to connect you with volunteer opportunities at the synagogue, as well as to social action programs in the community.

It’s easy to do:

  • Just fill out the Volunteer Central form to let us know what types of tasks interest you, how often you’d like to volunteer and how to best reach you.
  • You’ll get a response letting you know your form was received.
  • Then we will work with you to find an opportunity that best matches your interest and availability.

Questions? Contact the office at (585)473-1770.

Asbury Dining & Caring Center

The Dining & Caring Center is a place where all in the Rochester community are invited to receive nutritious meals and other supportive assistance in a respectful, welcoming environment. Temple Beth El provides support through volunteerism.