Welcome To Temple Beth El!

Scholarships toward Pre-College and College Study in Israel

Sisterhood is proud to continue its support for our children who choose to participate in an Israel immersion program.  The requirements for the program are described here.  Please contact Barb Schron (bbschron@gmail.com), Tammi Steinberg (tsteinberg117@gmail.com) or Iris Mand (irismand@gmail.com) to obtain an application or for additional information.


Dear Congregant,

Thank you for contacting us for a scholarship application.  Please read the guidelines listed below regarding information and criteria for financial consideration. Please submit the application as early as possible.  It typically takes the scholarship committee 3 months to process each application.

  • Temple Beth El Sisterhood families should complete the attached application if they wish to be considered for need-based financial assistance to help offset the costs of:
  • An Israel immersion program, which is defined as a teen trip of at least 10 days that is organized by a Jewish organization or an institution of higher education and designed to teach teens about Israel’s history, current events, geography and culture.
  • Scholarships are available to all pre-college students or college students (i.e., up to and including the summer after college graduation). Scholarship recipients must commit to participating in the educational/enrichment program at Temple Beth El and/or make a “contribution in kind” to the Temple Beth El community.
  • The Sisterhood Scholarship Committee will review all applications and determine whether the applicant qualifies for need-based financial assistance. Merit-based scholarships may be available from other sources in the community, and applicants may wish to apply elsewhere.
  • The Committee will only review applications that include all the requested information. The Committee recognizes that it will be reviewing personal information and has established processes pertaining to confidentiality.
  • The amount of scholarship money that is available is a maximum of $500. Please note that scholarship money has been designated for specific programs and can only be allocated to support applicants participating in those programs. 
  • Scholarships are reserved for families in good standing with Temple Beth El Sisterhood. “Family” refers to a child of a parent or grandparent who is a member of Sisterhood.  “In good standing” refers to paid Sisterhood membership, where the length of membership precedes the fiscal year (July through June) prior to the application.

Please submit your application as soon as possible.  We look forward to helping in any way we can.

Revised 7/12/2022