Welcome To Temple Beth El!
Spring has truly sprung in Keshet and the Early Childhood Department! We have had some amazing opportunities over the past month, including a tour of the synagogue with Rabbi and Hazzan, family visit to the Model Matzah Bakery, trip to Hillel School, special art day with Gail Vail, and even Channel 13’s Mark McLean. Mark McLean brought the storm tracker truck, and talked to the children about the different types of storms and how they relate to climate.
We also have been booming with registrations! Camp Keshet registration went out before February break, and school registration went out mid-March. Both registrations are rolling in, and still going strong! Please feel free to contact me for more information on our one-of-a kind preschool camp and wonderfully enriching preschool program.
The next few months will be busy with end-of the year prep and our celebrations of our mothers and fathers. Mother’s Day Tea will be from 11:30-12:30 on May 10. Children will be making lunch for their moms and doing a special performance in the classroom! Donuts with Daddy will be on June 7 at 9:15, where we will have breakfast for the dads with special songs. Our end of the year party will be on June 15. More information will follow!
We will be finishing the year strong with Tot Shabbat as well. There will be a special Tot Shavout on Sunday, May 20. This service is geared towards children as young as 18 months through first grade. The final Tot Shabbat of the season will be on Friday, June 8. It will be a celebration of the end of school.
Please feel free to contact me on ways to get your young children involved in synagogue life. There are several opportunities to engage our youngest congregants! For more information about any of our early childhood programs, please feel free to contact me at mwarner@tberochester.org. I look forward to hearing from you!
Mandi Warner