Welcome To Temple Beth El!
I would like to provide a personal overview of our new Limmud Program.
There is a fundamental principle that sustains, motivates and guides our new Limmud initiative – the supreme value of Jewish Education. For the Jewish child, this means growing up to share in the Jewish experiences of his/her family and people as recorded in its sacred literature, traditions and history. For Jewish parents, this means drawing their children closer to themselves by imparting to children those teachings, experiences, ideals and practices which they find meaningful in the Jewish Tradition. It is to these purposes that Limmud of Temple Beth El is dedicated.
We believe our Limmud program provides the experiential opportunity to attain basic knowledge of the Hebrew language, Torah, Jewish holidays; with the skills to actively participate in synagogue life; and with an appreciation of the enduring moral and ethical values that Judaism teaches.
We maintain that moral teachings of Judaism are woven into the texture of Jewish observance and belief.
What is it that we want for our children? We want their Jewishness to be informed and developed with insight, to be accepted with joy, wonder and to be carried with appreciation. We want our children to sense their own personal bond of unity with the Jewish people everywhere, with our brothers and sisters in Israel, and with all humankind.
These are challenging goals to which we pledge our every effort. Our Teachers, Madrichim, special education consultants, under the leadership of Samara Sofian, work together to make our Limmud a center of Torah, a place in which Judaism in not only presented, experienced and taught, but celebrated. We cannot do this task alone. A supportive Jewish home is a necessary element in the Jewish educations of our young. Help us to help your children. Help us to help them to reach adulthood as dedicated, happy and knowledgeable Jews.
I invite you to share your ideas and to participate in the exciting and rewarding experience of Jewish learning and living at Limmud.
Rabbi Leonardo Bitran