Welcome To Temple Beth El!
□ 1 “…And you shall teach them diligently unto your children…” Deuteronomy 6:7
Education is the core of Jewish continuity. As a family we commit ourselves to educate our children and as Temple Beth El we commit ourselves to support our system of educational initiatives.
□ 2 “…you shall open your hand…” Deuteronomy 15:8
Commitment with your neighbor is an undeniable duty in Jewish tradition. As a family we commit ourselves to be involved as volunteers in Tzedekah projects and as Congregation Agudas Achim we commit ourselves to design and participate in social action programs.
□ 3 “…You shall truly tithe all the increase of your grain that the field produces year by year…” Deuteronomy 14:22
Supporting a Kehilla (sacred community) is the responsibility of all its members. As a family we commit ourselves to increase our economic support any time we can and as Temple Beth El we commit ourselves to use it efficiently for education, worship and Tzedekah; always looking for new resources.
□ 4 “…And you shall bind them as you sign on your hand…” Deuteronomy 6:8
Kippah, tallit, tefillin and mezuzah are important symbols that identify us as Jews. As a family we commit ourselves to protect these symbols and as Temple Beth El we commit ourselves to promote their use in community life.
□ 5 “…And you shall rejoice in your festival time…” Deuteronomy 16:14
Chaguim (Festival celebrations) are the cornerstone of the Hebrew calendar. As a family we commit ourselves to participate in the celebrations of the Jewish Holidays and as Temple Beth El we commit ourselves to create the framework for celebrating with the community.
□ 6 “…To everything there is a season…” Ecclesiastes 3:1
Rites of Passage are held in the Kehilla. As a family we commit ourselves to hold all the life cycle rituals in the community and as Temple Beth EL we commit ourselves to hold them in the relevant manner.
□ 7 “…you shall love your neighbor as yourself…” Leviticus 19:18.
As Jewish people we have the obligation to work with our neighbor to help repair the world. As a family we commit ourselves to participate in interreligious activities and as Temple Beth El we commit ourselves to promote interreligious dialogue.
□ 8 “…and raised the young and blessed…” Judges 13:24
Young people journey towards a turning point for their identity. As a family we commit ourselves to encourage young people to participate in community life and as Temple Beth El we commit ourselves to generate the needed physical and spiritual framework for our youth.
□ 9 “…every Jew is responsible for the other…” Shavuot 39a
Jewish communities form a network throughout the world. As a family we commit ourselves to fortify these bonds and as Temple Beth El we commit ourselves to work together with other Jewish communities of the world. We also commit to have an INCLUSIVE Kehila allowing Jews of every ability, sexual preference and level of observance to celebrate Judaism and its milestone at Temple.
□ 10 “…careful not to spoil and destroy my world, because if you do there will be no amendment who…” Ecclesiastes Rabbah 7:28
The care for nature is not optional. As a family we commit ourselves to protect the environment and as Temple Beth El we commit ourselves to programs and actions that respect and preserve ecology.
□ 11 “…at age thirteen, one accepts the responsibility for the mitzvot…” Pirkei Avot 5:23
Learning and being intimate with our traditions is a multi-generational obligation. As a family we commit ourselves to fully participate in the process of our children becoming Bar and Bat Mitzvah through the study and traditional chanting of Torah and Tefillot, and as Temple Beth El we commit ourselves to supporting the development of new participatory skills in our Bar/Bat Mitzvah families.