Welcome To Temple Beth El!
The Panel:
Cathleen Gallagher, J.D.
Dr. David Mathison, M.D.
Dr. AnneMarie Smith, Ed.D.
Karen Carloni, M.A.
Phyllis Pomerantz, M.S.
Dahlia Topolosky, Psy.D.
Join us on Sunday, November 15 at 4pm for a COVID Roundtable: Raising Your Child During COVID-19.
Peace Mountain Theatre Company has gathered a panel of experts to discuss how the COVID pandemic may be affecting children and parents and offering insights into socialization, learning, and behavioral issues facing families today. Navigating conflicts such as social distancing vs. socialization, online learning vs. in-classroom learning, confidence vs. insecurity, etc., are issues now confronting families on a daily basis. Our panel will address these and other topics and will engage in a question-and-answer session with our audience.
The panel: Cathleen Gallagher, J.D., Dr. David Mathison, M.D., Dr. AnneMarie Smith, Ed.D.,
Karen Carloni, M.A., Phyllis Pomerantz, M.S. and Dahlia Topolosky, Psy.D.
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