Welcome To Temple Beth El!
This series will explore different facets of mindfulness through a Jewish lens, from practices with the breath and body in meditation and movement, to infusing meaning into everyday life, to self-care practices for ongoing support. Join for any individual sessions or help us create a community by being a part of all of them!
Wendy Beller Madway (Yoga Instructor)
As a young college student her professional path began with the intention of becoming a cultural historian. Her goal was to teach and to understand our history as Jews in this modern secular world. Somewhere along the way her passion grew into compassion for the pain and suffering of individual people. Wendy’s work transitioned into becoming a psychotherapist.
Often the path of psychotherapy highlighted the gap between mind and bodies. Her interest in bodywork led her to deepen her yoga practice and eventually become a yoga teacher. This part of Wendy’s path has brought an interconnection between stillness and movement. Each path: Judaism, history, psychology, and yoga, led to the creation of developing this Jewish themed yoga experience.
Wendy’s joy comes from knowing that a student may grow from this experience. A future path may bring together Judaism, of our thinking, feelings, and bodies.