Welcome To Temple Beth El!
Where to begin? What to write?
I have never been President of anything before. I have never before written an article as President. However, I have been part of a community, so this is where I will begin…
We are all connected to multiple communities. We might be connected through our neighborhoods, our schools, social and professional organizations, sports teams, etc. Personally, my life revolves around our family, friends, the medical community, golf, and fantasy football. Judaism has always been a part of my life; it is more than peripheral; it morphs into all aspects of my family life.
By becoming president of Temple Beth El, I have made a commitment to actively engage in our synagogue community.
Everyone is a member at TBE for a different reason. I recognize that people come to TBE with a variety of spiritual, cultural and social needs. I’ll be here a lot. I hope to see you here. TBE is striving to foster and develop a community appealing to many needs. It is my hope that in this coming year all of our congregants will become involved in some part of the TBE community. TBE needs all of you!
Do you have a special talent, skill, or experience that can help TBE? Do you enjoy cooking, building, gardening, studying, or teaching? I ask you to consider volunteering your time to TBE. We are always looking for people to help with the many things that are going on. We have a brand new Youth Education Program, Limmud, beginning this fall – perhaps you have teaching experience to share. We offer a range of adult education programs. There are endless event planning committees for affairs like the Hanukkah and Purim parties – please help make these TBE events yours. TBE’s kitchen is always open and looking for help in preparing for kiddushim and other synagogue events. The opportunities are endless. Our TBE community can only be what we collectively make it.
Make a New Year’s resolution to become more involved in Temple Beth El. I promise that you will not regret it.
L’Shana Tova,
Seth Charatz