HHD Security Message
Security is a high priority at Temple Beth El amid concerning antisemitic incidents, not just during the High Holy Days, but every day. Here are some of the measures we have taken to ensure the highest level of safety at TBE:
- Tickets will be distributed and required for admission for High Holy Day services. In the event that you forget your ticket there will be membership lists our guards can check and ID will be required.
- Security guards are always at our entrances whenever there are services or other large gatherings. They are equipped with metal detectors that will be used randomly and as deemed necessary.
- Our congregants who serve as ushers inside the building receive in depth, in-person security training.
- We have a strong relationship with the Rochester Police Department. Their patrol cars routinely visit our parking lot and we have requested that they do so more frequently during High Holy Day services.
- We work year-round with RocStrong, an initiative of the Jewish Community Federation of Greater Rochester, that keeps us apprised of any potential risks and helps ensure our building has the necessary structures and technology to keep us all safe.
Here’s what you can do to help keep our building and congregants secure:
- Comply with security measures put in place – remember your tickets.
- Never open the door for anyone, whether you know them or not – that is the guard’s job.
- Be aware of your surroundings, note the nearest exit and/or secure place to hide if necessary.
- If you see something, say something to security guards and/or ushers. All official security guards and ushers will have name tags with Temple Beth El logos.
- Do not distract security guards from doing their jobs by chatting with them while they are working. Of course, it is appropriate to say hello and thank them.
- In case of an emergency try to remain calm. Follow instructions of security guards, TBE staff and ushers.
Securing our congregation is something that we take very seriously. We look forward to having you join us in our building throughout the holidays and the year ahead, knowing that we can gather in pride, in love, and in safety.