Welcome To Temple Beth El!
The search for a new Senior Rabbi is entering the next phase with a visit from Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose on February 7 through 9.
Members of the congregation will have a chance to observe and meet Rabbi Rose at several events for all ages, including:
• Morning Minyan | Friday, February 7 at 7:30am
• Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Hazzan Matt Austerklein featuring BE.WISE Students | Friday, February 7 at 6pm
• Congregational Shabbat Dinner (Registration required) | Friday, February 7 at 7pm
• Shabbat morning services | Saturday, February 8 at 9:30am
• Mincha, Ma’ariv, and Havdalah | Saturday, February 8 at 5pm
• The World Wide Wrap with Men’s Club and BE.WISE Students | Sunday, February 9 at 9:30am
Rabbi Rose has served in congregations and Jewish organizations around the world, most recently as president and CEO of the Mandel Jewish Community Center in Cleveland. Prior to that, he served as Senior Rabbinic Chair of Congregation B’nai Amoona in St. Louis for 17 years.
He has a strong history of congregational and community leadership with a focus on education, especially with Jewish youth.
We ask that you attend at least one event with Rabbi Rose and share your thoughts with us. You can provide feedback online through this form, use a printed form available in the main Temple office, or email your thoughts to rabbisearch@tberochester.org. Find all current information on our Rabbi Search page. We look forward to seeing you in shul!